Sectional Garage Doors
We have a great selection of sectional garage doors that are perfect if you’re looking for something sturdy, well-insulated, and visually appealing. You can choose between manual or electric operation, in a range of finishes.
How A Sectional Door Works
Our sectional garage doors are made of panels connected by hinges, with rollers inside that run along vertical and horizontal tracks, meeting in a 90-degree curve. When you open the door, it slides back into your garage, sitting just above the opening, giving you maximum headroom.
The flat exterior and slightly angled side tracks allow the door to close against a rubber seal, providing excellent security. While no moving-part door can be 100% sealed, these come very close. Seals run along the sides, top, between panels, and at the bottom where the floor meets the door.
The space needed above the door ranges from 130mm to 250mm, depending on the door size and mechanism. Various panel thicknesses are available with 40mm to 45mm being the most popular.
BFCCBuilt to Last
These doors are extremely durable. The double-skinned design keeps the heat in and the cold out, and the foam filling in each section makes them incredibly sturdy. In fact, these doors are some of the toughest on the market and are built to last.
Most of our sectional garage doors come with automatic remote controls, so you don’t need an external handle. The way these doors operate also reduces the risk of scuffs and scratches, keeping your door looking great for years.
BFCCOur Garage Door Designs
Up & Over
Bespoke Designs
Roller Doors
Sectional Doors
Modern and contemporary garage door designs
BFCCSectional Door Specialists
We can help you find the perfect sectional garage door for your home. We’ll take into account your budget, the space you have, your style, and anything else that’s important to you. We’ll then get your door installed by our professional team and can also provide yearly check-ups to keep it running smoothly.
When you choose a BFCC sectional garage door, you know you’re getting a top-quality product that looks great and will last for years. Contact us today to learn more and start exploring your options.